Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Download Ashes of the Singularity Early Access Update v0.60 To 0.71

Ashes of the Singularity Early Access Update v0.60 To 0.71


New Orbitals Abilities - Orbital Command & Orbital Fabricator buildings unlock the following abilities
Incursion - delivers a small raiding force behind enemy lines
Call Engineer - delivers an engineer to where it’s needed most
Intensive Care - heals friendly units and buildings in the affected area
Plasma Storm - damages enemy units and buildings over time in the affected area
Ice World Maps
Shredded - large
Crater - medium
Triad - small
Frosthaven - small
Night Environment added to Scorpio, Cerius, Aven, and Frosthaven Maps
New Building: Cruiser Factory - Cruiser units now require a unique factory to construct, making for some more interesting early-game decisions
New Map: Lair of the Turtle
New Map: Polis
Keep Playing option after match victory (in case you want the glory of crushing every last one of your enemy’s units)
Multiplayer Handicaps
Team Chat: Tab now switches between All Chat and Team Chat in MP games
Improved overall Metaverse scoring methods
Map Balance:
Knife Fight - region connections more balanced for each player
Orbital abilities now increase in cost the more you use them
100 Quanta available at the start of the match
balance a little between apollo and drone bay
Scouts ignore combat slow down
Changed cost of Quantum Relay from 270/360 to 360/270
Increased cost of repair by and drone bay
Reduced accuracy of most weapons
Made the Engineer more expensive
Reduced cost of T3s slightly
Art & Graphics
Terrain texture quality significantly improved
Terrain object quality settings - trees can now be turned off to improve performance, or turned up for more dense/common forests
Environment lighting improved
Radar signatures brighter
New Lightning Effect for Zeus Thunderbolt and Seed Attack
Building explosion VFX polish (and performance improvement)
Increased missed shot distance for relevant weapons
Unit polish
New Friend invite UI that works in DX12
UI art style updates
MP lobby & SP setup screen layouts updated
Player Profile/Metaverse stat displays updated
Adding player color and team indicators to player list in in-game UI
Added tooltips for all game options (where explanation was needed)
widening energy bars in unit flags
Win/Loss music added on game end
lowered volume of VO Notifications
Significant performance improvements (especially in DX12)
Don't draw shadows for MB frames, Re-use Initial frame data for MB frames for detail objects.
Better local sorting of mesh's within an object
Slightly better sort logic for draw_elements
txaa frames using same batch set with different dynamics
improved performance for plasma whip projectile
RegionRenderer. Now takes color directly in 32bit format. Way less temporary memory, and memory movement.
Netcode improvements (less lag in MP)
Fix for hang when changing between states in UnitPanel
Fixed crash in main menu while UI is loading
Fix for multiple memory leaks
Fixed some controls that were too big
Bug fixes
Fix to prevent Quanta from going negative
Fixed background movie not playing after returning to lobby
Fixed missing icons on unit panel
More comprehensive fix for bad releases of cached ResourceSets
Missing image fix
Autosave files not created on machines with foreign char usernames
have all buff icons appear (only first five of the ten types were appearing)
Fixed bug where you could have an AI setting from a slot stick around to a later MP game and cause a peer's player to be controlled by the AI
Fixed messy popup reuse in main menu
Fixed no VPs option not handled correctly by pulldowns in game setup screens
Changing glare size to be resolution independent
FoW hides detail objects (trees)
Setting up PHC units to not show destruction mesh at the same time as the constructed mesh
Fixed discontinuous Drone LODs
Power Amplifier now has a building flag & correct textures
Disabling benchmark from the main menu when in the matchmaking queue, adding tooltip to disabled benchmark and multiplayer buttons explaining this
Deleting some unused unit maps
Fix for hang on shutdown
Mouse interaction and tooltips were not checking the clipping area of controls
MP match countdown cancels if the player slots change, so you don't change them into an invalid state (like no enemies)
Changing hitbox of player profile button in upper-right corner of main menu screen
Fixing dbl-click joining the wrong lobby
Don't notify that there is an enemy T3 spotted when you spot a team mate's T3
Restricting UI scale by resolution to make sure a minimum UI area is visible in the current resolution.
Made it so that brand new games with no existing settings default to a resolution that matches the desktop, and fixed the options screen not reflecting that.
Re-adding Kick Player button
Fixed bug where sometimes units were slowing down when not actually in combat
Stuck unit fix
Bug fix with metaunit movment
Heal ray tweak to cut processing some
Client no longer auto-hosts lobby accidentally
Fix for host migration issues
Disabled auto-saving while the game is pausedDownload

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